Here’s how to quickly build a money making blog for yourself. These blogs really do make money and I always have several on the go at once. They build momentum with every passing week as does the earning potential because they are built around a future event that is getting ever closer. By acting fast and getting a jump start on the competition your blog will already be regarded by Google as “the authority site” on the subject long before anyone else tries to jump on the band wagon.
Try and choose an event that you have an interest in. It could be a major sports event, a major product launch or major movie release. The optimum word here though is “major.” If its a sports event it needs to be at least a bi-annual event rather than being held each year. A major product launch could be the next new Harley Davidson due out in 2 years etc. and if its a movie, it needs to already have a fan base so it wants to be a remake, a follow on or a hugely popular book or TV show adaptation and it doesn’t want to be due for release for at least 18 months.
For this example, as I walk you through each step we will assume I have just checked one of the movie news sites and there is news of a new Tarzan movie with production due to start at the end of next year and a release date pencilled in for the year after. I shoot off and check for suitable domain names like, and
I decide on It makes an ideal main keyword for my money making blog and its a phrase many fans would type in to their search engine once they hear about it and want further info. SEO experts who tell you domain names mean nothing anymore are either lying or simply don’t own any domain names. I can always get the #1 spot for my sites main keyword phrase a hell of a lot easier when it matches the domain.
This is not the time to be tight and host your money making blog on your shared account or worse, a free service. Once word spreads about this event you are going to be getting some serious traffic. Normally its bad practice to register your domain name with the company that hosts it but as this blog is going to have an active life of only a few years I take advantage of the free domain offer with my host and grab the name together with a budget hosting account. I also order a dedicated IP address for my new blog. This money making blog is going to be the authority on the new tarzan movie and as such it needs to look and act the part.
OK, we have our domain name, main keyword phrase and some decent hosting. We now need to choose a suitable Wordpress theme. I used to try and find one that was on theme but it takes forever searching because most worpress themes have the phrase “wordpress theme designed by…” in the footer so you get loads of false trails. Even when I am lucky and find one, its done by a fan who isn’t concerned about monetizing the blog so its useless for my needs.
For this money making blog I would search for “adsense ready wordpress themes” and then pick the most suitable, perhaps a jungle theme if i’m lucky, plain old green if i’m not. I may purchase a theme if I find a really good on theme one but normally there are so many good themes that are free I don’t need to.
Once the theme is installed I will spend at least an hour optimizing it for the search engines. Some free themes are given away because they have links in them that are hidden from us but visible for the search engine spiders so they need to be found and removed. All other links that point away from the site such as the designers link are edited to have the rel=”nofollow” tag. This tag actually means the spiders will still follow the link but they do not count it as a link away from your blog and this is important for a money making blog because you want as many links as possible pointing at you and as few as possible pointing away.
I will title the blog “New Tarzan Movie News” and add the tagline “All the new tarzan movie news and info as it breaks.”
I will create a new account at OnlyWire and sign up with new accounts for all the bookmarking sites. I will sign up with Feedburner and I will do all the other Web 2.0 stuff that will bring me instant traffic.
Web 2.0 deserves at least a few posts all to itself but for now I recommend you sign up and claim your free ebook at the top of the page for more info. In it’s early life Web 2.0 will bring my money making blog just as much traffic as Google (sometimes more) and by setting everything up before I start posting means even my first post will receive traffic in 3 figures. Everything you need to know is inside this book and its an essential read for all bloggers.
All of the above will take me half a day tops but the first time you set up your blog it will probably take you around a day. Do not skimp on the web 2.0 work, much of it is repetitive but the rewards make it well worth the effort and use the same username and password for all the web 2.0 sites you join.
I hope you can see the potential of this money making blog. The first visitors are the true fans who are excited about the news. Because of this they will post plenty of comments and link to your blog from their Myspace and FaceBook pages. As word spreads, your blog will create a real buzz and you will be pulling in literally thousands of visitors within a month.
In part two I will show you how and where to get the news to post about and the most important part, making money with your new blog but the hard work is now done, the rest is easy.
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